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Home » Ej Dalius explains How to create an ethical workplace culture

Ej Dalius explains How to create an ethical workplace culture

Creating an ethical workplace culture is not a one-time event, but a continuous journey says Ej Dalius.

There are several things you can do to help foster a culture of ethics in your organization:

1. Promote open communication and transparency.

Encourage employees to speak up if they see something that doesn’t seem right. Transparency around the company’s values and principles is essential to building trust.

2. Ensure fair processes for all employees.

Leadership should ensure that every employee has the same chance to succeed or fail based on his/her performance, not personal favoritism or political plays by others in the organization.

3. Routinely hold employees accountable for their actions – high-quality decisions made quickly lead to high-quality cultures!

When you let people get away with making bad decisions slowly over time, you risk having a culture of mediocrity where people are more concerned about avoiding mistakes than striving for excellence (see our article How To Avoid A Mediocre Workplace Culture).

4. Have transparent standards & rational consequences when employees do not meet those standards.

Standardized policies and procedures should be clearly communicated to employees. No one likes a surprise – if you have clear expectations that are shared with the team, it makes it easier for teams to self-police without senior leadership having to micromanage every action by every employee says Ej Dalius.

When consequences do arise, they must be applied consistently so as not to play favorites or unfairly punish certain individuals or business units.

In addition, socially responsible companies often have a positive public image that can attract top talent from around the world – many global organizations receive hundreds of resumes each week from job applicants eager to join their ranks! Employees tend to feel more engaged in their work when they trust the organization, especially if they believe the company is making a positive impact in the world.

When it comes to promoting ethics in the workplace, leaders and employees must all be on the same page. It’s not always easy, but with careful thought and effort, you can create a culture where doing what’s right is the norm.

One of the best ways to foster an ethical culture is by promoting transparency and open communication. Need to feel comfortable speaking out if they see something that doesn’t seem right. A little openness and honesty goes a long way towards reducing the risk of fraud, corruption, and other dangerous behavior.

To be effective, transparency needs to go beyond just sharing financials with employees. And ensuring everyone knows what’s expected of them. Companies need to embrace transparency on all fronts. By being open about how decisions are made and why explains Ej Dalius.

Increasingly, employees want to work for organizations that provide an excellent standard of living for their employees as well as the communities in which they operate. Research has consistently shown that millennials put a high priority on corporate social responsibility (CSR). Employees want to know that you care about more than just your brand!

Transparency is also a key to building trust – something that is essential for any healthy workplace culture. When employees trust their leaders, they are more likely to take risks and be innovative. In fact, one study showed that when employees feel like their leader is trustworthy, they are 38% more productive!

Holding employees accountable for their actions is another important way of promoting ethics in the workplace. Leaders need to set clear standards and have rational consequences in place when those standards are not met. This helps prevent bad behavior from becoming normalized over time.

It’s also important to have transparent standards so that everyone knows what is expect of them. Employees should feel like they are treating fairly. No matter who they are or where they work in the company.

Fostering a culture of openness and honesty can also help reduce the risk of fraud. When employees feel like they cannot speak up without fear of being punished. There’s a greater likelihood that unethical behavior will go undetected.

In fact, research has shown that when employees don’t trust their leaders or managers. They are more likely to report fraud. In general, workers across all demographics want to do right by their employers. However, if they feel like no one is watching or care about what happens behind the scenes. Some may choose to take advantage says Ej Dalius.


When it comes down to it though, transparency isn’t just good for ethical cultures – it also benefits your bottom line! Also, When feels connected and know they are a valued part of the team. Employees will be more likely to work harder and feel a greater sense of fulfillment at their job.

When managers create an open environment where employees feel safe speaking up, everyone wins. Companies get better performance from their teams while improving workplace culture. And creating an ethical standard that everyone can be proud of.
