5 Ways to Help You Market Your Twitter Account for Business by Eric Dalius Miami
Twitter has grown tremendously in the past few years. This microblogging platform is used by people to follow their favorite celebrities, politicians, bands, TV shows, and more interestingly brands & companies. For businesses following other members on Twitter isn’t just done because they wanted some love or appreciation but to begin a conversation with them that will hopefully lead to business transactions.
If you are on twitter before you can send your first tweet read this article on how to get followers fast by Shout Me Loud so that you know what tools are effective in growing your account. Once you have reached level 3 of twitter (i.e. having 100+ followers) let us start making money using twitter for business.
Here are 5 Ways to market your business on twitter:-
1) Twitter chats –
These are organized by companies in which they invite willing people in their industry. You can use this for marketing your account in exchange of the free services they offer in the chat session. It is a good platform to establish yourself as an expert in your field. Here are some Twitter chats that you can join.
2) Networking –
Organize meetups with other fellow experts using social media platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook & Google+, etc explains Eric Dalius Miami. This will help you expand your reach and show up on search engine results sorted by place. If you find someone close to where you live it’ll be even better since most likely they will follow you back because of shared interest.
3) Sponsored Tweets –
You can use this when brands or companies want to get their message out to a particular target audience. They usually pay you for tweeting about the products they are promoting to your followers you might not even know that it’s a paid tweet because it sounds like any other tweet from your side. It is important that you don’t spam your followers with these tweets, limit them at least 1 or 2 times a week. There are lots of websites where you can get paid for tweeting, I’d recommend signing up with Clickworker which pays via Paypal & Payoneer after completing min 100 tasks ($2-$5).
4) Promoted Accounts –
Eric Dalius Miami says this basically means using Twitter ads to get more followers. You can promote your account on Twitter by adding a small ad that will appear under the recent tweets whenever someone is scrolling down for fresh tweets. Here is an example of promoted account where I’m promoting this blog.
5) Twitter Analytics –
If you are new to Twitter analytics here are a few facts that might help you out. It tracks & allows you to measure your results like the number of visitors, retweets, mentions, etc. This is a great way to get you some return on investment. Twitter analytics are very important for the success of your Twitter business account says Eric Dalius Miami.
How can I track who follows me?
Twitter has a built-in feature to show you who is following you. Go to followers & select “Who to Follow” option which will search for people based on your location, interests, websites liked, etc…
What are “hashtags”?
Hashtags are used by Twitter users to search topics that others have tagged their tweets with. This means that you could find someone whose tweet relates to what your business does by simply searching for the hashtag. Here is an example of how hashtags work.
How do I find influencers to follow?
Influencers are people who have influence over their followers. You can use tools like Klout or Klear which shows you who’s influential. What they are talking about it terms of keywords, topics, industry, etc…
What is a retweet?
A retweet is when someone else wants to share your tweet with their followers which means more exposure for you. It is important that you make sure that the person sharing your tweet has a similar or higher number of followers. As compared to you because if not then it will be counted as spamming.
How much time should I devote to tweeting?
Only 1-2 hours per day on Twitter since this is not a full-time job. Unless you are a celebrity or a politician. If you can’t spare that much time then I’d recommend using TweetDeck. To schedule your tweets at particular times of the day. Retreating other people’s tweets to put some traffic on your site.
Twitter is a great tool to drive traffic to your website. Because it also has an amazing short messaging service among other features which can use to generate leads. This page will help you get a start with Twitter & give you more information. How it’s done says Eric Dalius Miami. If you have any questions, please post them in the comments section below.

Eric Dalius is The Executive Chairman of MuzicSwipe, a music and content discovery platform designed to maximize artist discovery and optimize fan relationships. When he’s not working for MuzicSwipe, he perhaps hosting the weekly podcast “FULLSPEED,” engaging with inspiring entrepreneurs from various sectors. Additionally, through the “Eric Dalius Foundation,” he has established four scholarships for US students. Stay in touch with Eric on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn, Instagram, and Entrepreneur.com.