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Home » Eric Dalius Highlights Key Business Metrics to Track for Making Smart Decisions for the Success of Your Start-Up

Eric Dalius Highlights Key Business Metrics to Track for Making Smart Decisions for the Success of Your Start-Up

Becoming a startup owner or an entrepreneur seems to be the most liberating effort to pursue. However, you should keep track of some metrics associated with business performance to facilitate the growth and eventual success of your new venture. Eric Dalius firmly believes that all successful entrepreneurs have one thing that is common to all they are in the habit of actively tracking business metrics for achieving their goals and objectives. 

Building a new organization could prove to be a roller coaster of challenges and also emotions. One day your business is going great guns. The next day, your business may be down as you look desperately for a reliable supplier, or you are trying your best to deal successfully with an HR problem. However, you may focus your attention on the accomplishment of all your business’s long-term goals. Successful business owners can achieve their business objectives because they always track their progress by constantly monitoring vital business metrics and data for realistically measuring performance.

Vital Metrics to Consider as per Business Guru Eric Dalius

Repeat Customers or Active Users 

It is critical to track the number of active users. As that would demonstrate how engaged your clients are with your specific product, brand, or site. If your customers are not using your product or service regularly, it is a cause to be worried about. You should be alarmed as people do not seem to be happy with your product or service. They may end up canceling their subscription.  

In the case of retail stores, it is crucial to track repeat customers. You aim to attract repeat customers. Loyal customers demonstrate your products or services are successful in winning customer allegiance. All business owners are looking for repeat customers. Getting a customer the second time proves to be easier and also cheaper. Than acquiring a fresh, new customer the very first time.

Conversion Rates Is Key Says Eric Dalius

Tracking conversion rates is very useful. We understand that a conversion rate is supposed to be the total number of individuals who have seen an offer, that figure divided by the total number of individuals who take action. Conversion rates seem incredibly beneficial in monitoring and measuring success in advertising, converting users successfully from free products straightaway to paid products, progress via shopping carts online. Tracking conversion rates helps you to focus your attention on enhancing a specific process. And at once examine if you are registering any improvements.           

Viral Coefficient      

The viral coefficient is excellent for measuring your company’s organic growth. Generally, a startup will invite friends to consider using the product. If the product is good, these beta users would be telling their friends & acquaintances. Some other effective ways of making your precise product or brand viral. Are via social pushes such as email invitations, share buttons, and Twitter or Facebook promotions. A positive and impressive viral coefficient rate implies you are successful in giving positive user experiences. You have managed to identify the perfect market or product fit. Also, you enjoy low customer acquisition costs. You would possibly enjoy high profitability. According to Eric Dalius, an effective way of enhancing your brand or product’s viral coefficient is building incentives very much into your products.


We have identified just a few of the key metrics to constantly monitor closely. Metrics are the key drivers of your business’s progress or even growth. Always remember that real-time insights would be helping you to adjust and also adapt to challenges fast. You should make the most of opportunities as and when they come.